Susan Brewer

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t own a doll. Even as a baby I had a cloth Baby Bunting doll, which was very fashionable at the time, and I suppose I must have had a dozen or so composition and hard plastic dolls (not including the miniatures in my dolls house), before it was time to ‘give them up as I was a big girl now’. Luckily, I managed to secrete a few favourites in the back of the drawer before the rest were binned, as was the custom in the 1960s. I switched to collecting costume dolls – that was allowed as it didn’t seem babyish – until the 1980s when the birth of a daughter gave me an excuse to buy dolls again!
I have been writing since the 1980s; before that I worked in libraries, so books have always been in my blood. I began with short stories for women’s magazines and articles on natural history. Then I reasoned that as I had so many dolls perhaps I should research them and write about my findings. My articles appeared in various collectable and doll magazines. In 2006 I became Editor of Doll Magazine, published by Ashford, for a couple of years before the title was sold to America. However, Doll Showcase, founded in 2004, kept me busy - and it still does!
My first venture into the world of books (apart from a children’s educational book called Mike’s Bike) was ‘Tiny Tears and First Love’ in 2005, an in-depth guide to two types of baby dolls which were then very popular in the UK. There are still a few copies in print. Since then, I’ve written many more books including several titles for the publishers Pen and Sword. My two latest doll books are Delightful Dolls Volume 1 and Cornish Shallowpool Dolls, both published by Virtual Valley. Nowadays, I also write fiction, which many people seem to enjoy.
If you are interested in any of my books they are available from or can be purchased direct from Doll Showcase